
We encourage all contributions. Please see our contribution guide first.

We recommend working in a virtual environment. This can be created by running python -m venv venv. Then, activate the environment with source venv/bin/activate. You can then install the required packages with pip install -e ".[dev]".

If at any time you run into issues, please contact us by following the guidelines here.

Setting up pre-commit#

The first time you develop code, you’ll need to install the pre-commit. This checks that our style is consistent. It gets installed when you do pip install -r ".[dev]" but then requires you to activate them by running pre-commit install. Now every time you commit, our checks will run first.

Building the docs#

The docs are built using sphinx. First, you must install it and the other documentation requirements with

pip install -r ".[docs]"

Then, navigate to the docs directory and run make html to build the docs.

Running tests#

To run the tests for this package, run pytest in the repository base directory.